Jan 4, 2016

And It Was All Yellow

The start of the New Year is always such an exciting time isn't it? I always have tons of ideas flowing through my mind about what I want to accomplish this year. Although it wasn't the easiest year, I am looking at this new year with a set of eager eyes and a motivated feeling in my heart. I have so many ideas that need to be put into action, and the more I think about it the more excited I get.

I have been told that taking the first step is half of the battle, so I am anxiously tiptoeing around the edge before I fully dive in. There are so many things I want to do with this blog, and so much I want to accomplish professionally, so for that, I am very positive about the things to come.

One of the most exciting things I look forward to this year (obviously) is my wedding in June. Ryan and I have been planning like crazy, and all the details are starting to come together now. Most of our big decisions are made, so now it's just making sure that we finalize the little stuff.  I am also really excited because I plan on re-branding my site and creating more content that is useful for everything, rather than just focusing on fashion.

I can't help but want to jump ahead and do everything at once, but I am taking my time and making sure that every T is crossed, and every I is dotted. Either way, I am very happy to start a fresh year, and make it a great one! Happy New Year everybody!


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