Jun 17, 2016

Palm Print

Hello everyone! We are finally home and have returned from the beautiful beaches of Aruba. With all of the wedding planning going on I had so much on my plate that blogging took a backseat to life for a few weeks. I took so many great photos, but with lack of time my editing was impossible to fit in, so I have some awesome outfits to share from the past month or so, as well as our vacationing photos that I will post this week as well. 

The whirlwind of the wedding is now coming to a halt and all I can think back on are fond memories and overwhelming amounts of love from the people we care about most. I've never felt so much love in my entire life, and Ryan and I were on cloud 9 while honeymooning and looking back on the week we had with everyone in our lives.

Moving forward I feel the greatest I have ever felt. Not only motivated for my new branding and site, but also in life. I feel inspired, and excited about the Summer ahead. Sometimes life keeps us busy enough, and then slows down just in time to remind us that we need to enjoy the people we love, and the things we love. It's been a weird year for me, and many things have changed and continue to change, but it's all exciting and the opportunities are endless. 

I hope you guys are enjoying your Summer thus far, it's crazy to think we're halfway through June already! I can't wait to share more photos of our wedding/honeymoon on the blog, and I PROMISE more photos of the flamingos!

Details:  Palm Print Jumpsuit (comes in petite & regular!) 
 Strappy Lace Up Gladiators  / Belt / Tory Burch Tote (awesome to travel with!)

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