Dec 19, 2010

Why do I love the holidays?

Dislikes about winter holidays :
Sitting in my frigid car waiting for the defrost to kick in all while seeing my breath in front of my face
Messy snow (you know the snow that is black and all gooey on the side of the road
The crowds at the mall, people aimlessly walking around for hours shopping for the "perfect gift" 
Layering up (I usually feel like the little brother from A Christmas Story "I CAN'T PUT MY ARMS DOWN"

Likes about winter holidays:   
The LIGHTS! I love seeing houses all decked out and lit up, makes me feel all cozy inside. 

Wearing my winter hats! I have so many, and most 
are pretty thick so they keep my head nice and toasty!

Snowmen and santas plastered everywhere! Who doesn't love a 
jolly old man with a beard? I mean really.
Eddie is not really enjoying this. Mrs. Claus looks as happy as a clam though, check out those cheeks!

THIS MOVIE. the greatest. I tear up EVERY TIME.
"Clarence! Clarence! Help me, Clarence! Get me back! Get me back, I don't care what happens to me! Get me back to my wife and kids! Help me Clarence, please! Please! I wanna live again. I wanna live again. Please, God, let me live again."

But really.....
I think what I love most about the holidays is how it makes the kids feel. They way they light up just talking about Santa. Also having special time allotted to spend with loved ones. It's a time when everyone gets "down time" to be together.  I think what most people forget is that it's not really about what you get but how you feel, and how you show others that you care about them. It's not about the "perfect gift" or standing in line two hours to get it, but the mere fact that it's a time to spend with the people you care about, and the people who mean the most. Unfortunately most people get lost in the material aspect, and they miss the big picture. If I have learned anything, it is to cherish the people who love you, and make your life better, enjoy their company and appreciate the little things, not just the store bought things. Sorry if I sound sentimental, but I spent a whole weekend with children who have a lot more to worry about than what sweater to buy, or what toy they want. It makes you really appreciate the little things in life, and the people who mean the most. I hope everyone has a beautiful holiday filled with love and their families. 

I am thankful for so much this year, these are just some of them :)


  1. you such a jolly person! I'm all about spreading the christmas joy! yay! happy holidays!!

  2. oh my lanta, i want your hat and necklace! love love. and the part about the christmas story made me laugh out loud. one of my families favorite movies of all time!

    "fragile...must be italian!"

  3. oh my. I LOVE that hat! I really need to get me one of those :) Just found your blog, btw. New follower!

  4. Child life, eh? AWESOME!
    I think I found your blog via eday...i think


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