Jul 9, 2012

Little Picnic Lady

Details: Dress/F21 , Shoes/Jeffrey Campbell, Earrings/Dinosaur Toes, Belt/Vintage(etsy), Glasses/Rayban Cateye

This weekend flew by! I feel like I say that every week, but I think it still surprises me for some reason. I wore this out on Friday night when I went out with one of my good friends from college, Marissa. This was the night I looked like a human picnic table. I really love mixing patterns, and I think polka dots (red ones at that) can be tricky to match. I wore this dress in the city when Amy came to visit and I forgot how much I loved it. It was one of those impulse buys because we were stuck in 90 degree weather with long sleeves. Regardless, I am glad I got it because it's lightweight, and perfect for the summer. Plus, in what world don't gingham and polka dots match? 

The rest of the weekend was spent somewhat relaxing. I worked all day on Sunday at my second job, and Saturday was spent at the beach in Sea Bright, NJ. My friend Lena was celebrating her birthday this weekend, so we had a girls beach day and I got to see some friends I haven't seen in a long time. It was the first time all summer that I actually felt myself relaxing, enough to even fall asleep on the beach. The only complaint I have about the weekend, is that it came to an end. I hope you all had great plans, and here's to a new week, with new adventures!


  1. i love that dress! also, i love gingham because it seems like everything matches it. also, i love seeing people in their dinosaur toes jewelry!

  2. I love your glasses!! I have been looking for some great cat eye style! Would you like to follow each other?


  3. LOL at your human picnic table comment! I think you look perfectly summery and sweet. I love your shoes!

  4. You look very appropriate for Summer and the shoes are adorable.

    This post makes me want to plan a beach day with some friends and fall asleep on the sand. I really need to do this soon. Take care!


  5. I love your outfit! Beautiful!!

  6. I hear ya. Weekends never seem to last long. I loooooooove your Jeffrey Campbell plats. Love love love. Did I mention that I love them?

  7. Two words: so cute! I love this outfit so much and the pops of color with the grey!
    ~ Jillian

  8. Thank you very much dear Maria.. Thank you for your visiting my blog..
    You have a very nice blog. And I must say that I like your shoes so so much.. Wonderful....:)))

  9. I see how that might be tough to match with other patterns, but this looks wonderful! And I absolutely love your glasses as well<3


  10. It's really cute, I need more lightweight dresses. I also just realised I don't own anything gingham. Thanks for your comment on my blog. It's really fun to find out that someone who's blog I read has even seen mine :)

  11. Thank you for the comment! You're so beautiful :)

  12. lovely pic.. and you look so beautiful with that dress.. and i love your shoes..
    btw, thx for visiting and lovely comment on my blog


  13. Your adorable, reminds me of Lisa Loeb!

  14. I'm kind of obsessed with those shoes...
    xo Jac

  15. You are so adorable! I love the outfit, its darling. The dress with those shoes... yeah... killer. Love!

  16. That color is lovely and it looks stunning on you!

  17. You are just too adorable! I love that dress AND those shoes, I never think to mix patterns like that. Thanks for stopping by my blog, it was lovely to discover yours :)

  18. Such a cute outfit, it suits you perfectly! So chic and lovely :)

    A Splendid Assemblage

  19. awww you are so cute and gorgeous! love the outfit and your glasses suit you so much :)

    thx for the comment. beach sounds amazing, drizzle here drizzlle everyday.


  20. You definitely win the award for the cutest specs ever!

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello. LOVE YOURS!
    And also love dinosaur toes. I have one of their bullet necklaces. : )


  22. must have those shoes! super adorable! :)

  23. This whole outfit is so adorable! What a babe!
    Drey - highdollarhippie.blogspot.com

  24. "Girls' Beach Night" sounds like a fantastically great idea! You look super cute here and those shoes go so well.

  25. Those shoes are a little bit of amazing!


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