Dec 28, 2010

What will be in 2011?

As always the new year finds its way to creep up on us, and again here we are. As a new year approaches and another ends, it's always a perfect time to reflect on what was- and what will be. I feel as though I hear people wanting all of the same things for the upcoming year, here are some of the most common failed new years resolutions:

To quit smoking
To start working out
To quit drinking
Become more organized
Help others

I think part of the reason people have such a difficult time sticking to resolutions is because they make it very unrealistic for themselves. If you don't have the drive to do something, I don't think the new year matters at all-it's about picking something that will make you better, but really wanting it, not just saying it. AND, since when did helping others become a resolution? Don't we all want to help people anyway? I didn't think that was something that needed to be announced and worked towards-but hey to each his own. 

This year has been a great one, every single year is a chance to make something more of your life and experience new highs-lows and in betweens. I am grateful for what I learn every single day, because every day is another day to breathe and enjoy the beauty that is surrounding us. Every day is also a chance to experience a range of emotions and feelings. This year we have all been


 Bewildered & Lost
 Accomplished                                                                                                         Worried
and ANGRY.

Imagine how many emotions are experienced in one whole year, and then multiply 
that by each person in the whole world...That's crazy talk!

I am thankful that my year has been the way it is. I am constantly learning, and growing and becoming greater every single day. I don't look back at the past and wish for anything, because I know I am right where I should be; and that is enough for me.....Now onto my resolutions? What do i hope for 2011? Some simple things really, and all things I know I can accomplish.

Learn to crochet- I would really love to make a scarf or hat
 Increase my sewing techniques-sew more by hand
Take more photos
Be more optimistic- after all, it doesn't rain everyday
Write more
Photos taken from: Weheartit
That's what I leave you with my friends, I will have my favorite pictures of 2010 put up sometime before the new year. 
Stay pleasant, and warm :) 

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I love your resolutions & emotions photos! So cute! <3


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