May 23, 2011

Portrait Time by Amanda Woodford

Hello everyone! This post is to show off the beautiful artwork I received from a talented little lady named Amanda Woodford. She is such a beautiful artist and when she sent me this piece I was thrilled! She has recently opened up her etsy shop so go say hello! Here is the finished product and the sketches in between...Isn't it lovely?! Thank you Amanda! 

 First sketch.

Amanda's Links


  1. AHHHHH! I LOVE IT!!! so cute and such a talented artist! thanks for posting about this cos now i want one :)


  2. oh my gosh! she is an amazing artist and this looks exactly like you and alex! what a neat trade!

  3. Oh awesome Maria! She's very talented and got it right down to the smudge scruff on Alex haha. Love it!

  4. ummm yes!! that is soo lovely!! she is soo talented!!!


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